U.A. LOCAL 324 Protection of Privacy Policy
U.A. Local 324 respects the privacy of its members and is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information we gather and retain for administrative purposes, while allowing reasonable access and/or exchange of information between limited parties with whom the Local Union is professionally engaged. Local 324 will comply with Provincially and Federally legislated Privacy Acts(s) to ensure that our member's information is used for authorized purposes only. Local 324 will not be responsible for any actions of third parties once the information is exchanged.
Local 324 collects personal information that is required for proper administration of the Union and will include;
Members Name | Names of family members |
Members Birth date | Birth dates of family members |
Social Inusrance Number | Home address / mailing address |
Phone / Fax Number | Email Address |
Emergency Contact names and numbers | Benefit Plan Information |
Beneficiary & Life Insurance information | Trade Qualifications |
Wage Rates / Earnings | Past Employment History |
Additional information may be collected should a member become involved in a grievance, labour relations board application, workers compensation board appeals, employment insurance appeals, employment standards complaints or trial.
DISCLOSURE - Some or all of your personal information may be disclosed to approved third parties:
- Where the Local Union is required by law to obtain, maintain, and report information to government bodies, such as Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) or other legal or administrative proceedings.
- Where proceedings with grievances, arbitration, mediation, litigation or settlement of any disputes or issues exist between the Local Union and Employer, or the B.C. Labour Relations Board.
- Where required by law
- Where the U.A. International Office requires updating of member information/status
- Where Employers seek trade qualifications and employment histories
- Where the Union Benefit Plan Providers require information
- Where an individual member authorizes release of personal information to a specified party
- For identification purposes a member's social insurance number is authorized for use as an “identity number” within the union membership administration program to post all Employer deducted dues and remittances; and by the Union’s Benefit Plans (Health & Welfare and Pension) for identification purposes and for the purposes of reporting to Income tax office.
- Local 324 does not disclose personal information to other members or to any other person, agency or organization without obtaining separate and express permission to do so by the member.
CONSENT - By providing U.A. Local 324 with your personal information on file, a member consents to the disclosure and utilization of their records for the purposes mentioned herein. The Unions’ membership administration system program was established, is maintained and is backed up daily by Edge Computing Corp. Edge Computing Corp will not retain or disclose any personal information contained in this data. It is the member’s responsibility to ensure that personal information provided to the Union is correct and up to date.
ACCESS TO PERSONAL INFORMATION - Upon request, all members shall have access to all personal information held. The Union reserves the right to refuse requests in situations where disclosure of information; may be protected legally, could harm the position of the organization, would reveal personal information about another individual, or where the information is generated for the purpose of a mediation/arbitration or court hearing of a confidential nature.
WITHDRAWAL OF CONSENT - A member may withdraw consent to the use and disclosure of personal information at any time. However, withdrawal of such information may limit or prevent aspects of membership within the Local Union.
PRIVACY OFFICER - All information pertaining to the policies and practices established by U.A. Local 324 are available for review. A Privacy Officer has been designated and may be reached by contacting the Union office.