Join our Union!
Looking for the right fit for your company!
Access our experienced manpower
UA Local 324 has the experienced journeymen and apprentices available and ready for today’s competitive construction market. We provide ongoing training courses to our members to ensure they have the necessary skill set for all construction sectors. We ensure that every journeyman and apprentice meets our criteria and are held to our Standard for Excellence policy. The SFE policy is a labour-management commitment to uphold the highest industry standards for quality in the workplace and ensure customer satisfaction. Whether you’re looking for a foreman or first year apprentice we have the manpower to accommodate any size of project.
Cost certainty
Working under a collective agreement provides contractors the terms and conditions which pertain to our construction sector. Wage rates, benefits, hours of work including all the terms of employment are laid out, so there is no guesswork. You can bid future work with greater certainty around what core costs will be. UA Local 324 also handles all of the administration for health and welfare benefits, pension and other payments to keep it simple. Our office staff works directly with your payroll dept to make the remittance process a breeze.
Manpower Demands
We have a growing membership of over 900 members residing from Victoria to Campbell River. UA local 324 uses local hires on projects when available to help reduce the cost for travel expenses. Our dispatch system works on a 50/50 basis, one name request and then one off the list. This dispatch system allows the contractor to name request 50% of his crew if desired. UA Local 324 members are dispatched to your project as needed, and when they’re laid off they simply return to the dispatch system for their next job. UA Local 324 will work hard to ensure you have the right crew for each particular job.
Our partnership
UA Local 324 has built a strong reputation on Vancouver Island with 324 signatory contractors, general contractors and owners. We believe our continued success is in relation to the communication, commitment and honesty we have with each other. Whether we are working on a residential project or industrial jobsite we are committed to “doing it right the first time”.
Find out more
Need more info on joining UA Local 324. Contact our office at 250-382-0415