UA Local 324 - History
United Association Local 324 has a membership of about 800. Our Union Hall (purchased in 1999) is located at 919 Esquimalt Rd. in Victoria British Columbia, Canada.
Our jurisdiction is all of Vancouver Island, British Columbia with exception of industrial work north of the 49th parallel. The Local is a combination Union of Plumbers, Steamfitters, Refrigeration Mechanics and Sprinkler fitters who work under the Commercial, Industrial and Shipyard Agreements.
The Plumbers and Pipefitters UA Local 324 received it's charter on March 15, 1902 in Victoria BC.
The original charter was signed for the plumbing craft by brother Tilden and brother Merrick. The charter was re-issued on February 13, 1947 and signed by Secretary Edward J. Hilcock and President Martin P. Duikin. The charter is for Building and construction metal trades division Victoria, British Columbia. There were 17 original charter members initiated on March 15, 1902.
The membership fluctuated in numbers from about 12 to 20 between 1902 to 1928. From 1929 to 1961 the membership went from 35 to a high of 304 in 1943. Then down to 275 members in 1960. From 1961 to 1968 the membership grew to 385 reaching as high as 400 from 1968 to 1975. In 1975 the membership broke the 400 mark and peaked at 498 in March 1983. The membership stayed in the high 400 until September 1991 when it signed its 500th member. Through the mid 1990's the membership declined to a low of 392. Since 1998 the Local has seen a steady increase and now sits at about 1047 members at present.